Susan weight loss before and after

Susan’s Story

My Options journey started by my doctor telling me that I needed to lose a significant amount of weight. If I didn’t lose that, I would have to go on much more powerful medicines with heavy side effects. That was kind of my red line in the sand, and I searched online, “what are the best doctor-supervised weight loss systems?”. Options came up, and the rest is history.

When I first booked the free consultation, I was a little nervous as I had failed at dieting so many times before. I was afraid to get my hopes up, I think a lot of us have been there. When I came in the clinic, I knew after just a few minutes of talking to everybody that they were gonna be able to help me. There was just that certitude that they can do the job, and they did.

The Option meals were very good. I’m not kidding you; they have something for every taste and flavor you could imagine. I love, love, LOVE their coffee and hot chocolate. I love their snacks, I used to put them in a jar and treat them like jelly beans, eating one at a time. Those snacks are a great way to stop eating candy, They are better than the stuff you pick up at the store. They don’t have all that sugar and everything on them; They’re just good. I hated giving them up, I have to tell you.

Options has changed my life so much, it’s mind-boggling. I was so fuzzy-thinking and I was not happy with myself. I had tried many other diets, so I was looking for a solution. When I came in the clinic, the staff were so welcoming, very professional, and understood exactly what I wanted. I had so many different options to choose from, and they helped me decide which was the best program for me. They’re just wonderful folks, I can’t say enough about them. I went from feeling invisible to now when I leave the house for anything, my husband actually leaves his desk upstairs and runs downstairs to give me a kiss good-bye.

I think what resonates the most with me is the lessons and support Options can provide. My husband was not feeling well, and my counselor Lori and I were talking it through. She said, “You can do this, even with everything else going around you,”. At the time I couldn’t see it happening, but she was right. I took care of my husband, and I learned to take care of myself also. What Options taught me a lot is that other people in your life are important, but you are also important.

Susan Testimonial

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