Yvette weight loss before and after

Yvette’s Weight Loss Journey to Lose 30 lbs.

Weight Loss Specialist at Options Medical Weight Loss

Like many of our patients, I too have struggled with my weight for most of my life. As a wife and mother of two boys, balancing a full-time job, I found it challenging to prioritize my health amidst a busy schedule. While I had made progress on my own, losing post-pregnancy weight, I felt frustrated with the slow progress. Calorie counting and sporadic workouts were not sustainable for me, especially with limited time for meal preparation and cooking.

Despite being in overall good health, with a high risk for developing type 2 diabetes due to family history, I struggled with low energy levels, occasional heartburn, and keeping up with my kiddos. I also noticed I stopped taking pictures with my family. They are only little for so long and I wanted to start capturing those memories as a whole family instead of from behind the camera.  

I also grappled with feelings of shame and self-blame for not being able to manage my weight while working at a medical weight loss clinic. It was a humbling realization that I, too, needed help on my journey. One day it finally clicked.  It takes a great amount of courage and vulnerability for the patients that I see each and every day to come in and take the first step in their weight loss journey by asking for help.  What made me any different?

Working with a health coach helped me recognize patterns in my body and mindset, leading to significant progress. Despite initial doubts about our program, I took a leap of faith and embraced the ODS Protocol, resulting in substantial weight loss and renewed energy.

This experience has been life-changing to say the least. When I started at OMWL as a Weight Loss Specialist just over a year ago, I never imagined how much my life would change in just 12 months. My weight loss journey isn’t over, and I’m excited for what’s to come!

– Yvette Towe

Dr Mulligan weight loss before and after

John’s Journey to Lose 50 lbs.

Chief Clinical Officer at Options Medical Weight Loss

 As a physician, I have been trained to understand the human body and its physiology. Despite my education, I was ill-prepared for the challenges I would face in my own battle with obesity. My commitment to work, family, and a lack of focus on my health led to unhealthy habits and extreme weight gain. Having previously been an athlete and having served in the US Army, I was confident that despite this lack of priority on my own personal health, I would be able to effectively manage weight loss on my own. Frustrated, I quickly realized that as I had aged and my metabolism shifted, my relationship with food was unhealthy, and this made the effort of weight loss much more difficult than I imagined.

Joining Options Medical Weight Loss was an opportunity to refocus and allowed me to prioritize my health. In doing so, Options Medical Weight Loss provided me with the structure and discipline so that all the resources were available to support and promote my personal weight loss journey. Knowing what to do is different from having the skills and resources to be successful. My health care team was able to help me navigate and remain focused and achieve the success I had been previously unable to achieve on my own. I have lost over 55 lbs, and in doing so, I have been able to eliminate my blood pressure medication, enjoy activities such as skiing and hiking.

More importantly, I have the tools to ensure that my weight loss is sustainable and life-lasting. Weight loss is not about willpower, but rather understanding how our own body responds to what, how, and when we eat. I am proud to share my story and attest to the benefits of Options Medical Weight Loss both as a patient and now serving as the Chief Clinical Officer. My mission is to ensure that every one of our patients achieves the same level of success….and beyond.

– John Mulligan, MD, MBA, FACEP

Jennifer weight loss before and after

Jennifer’s Weight-Loss Journey to Shed 69 lbs.

Nurse Practitioner at Options Medical Weight Loss

My weight has fluctuated since my twenties, largely due to a poor diet and inconsistent physical activity. In my mid-thirties, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis, leading to a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy after a failed excision surgery. Subsequently, I entered a chemical menopause and gained 70 pounds within months.

Following this, I completed my NP school and found a medical provider position at Options Medical Weight Loss. Since joining OMWL in April 2023, I embarked on my own GLP-1 journey. Eleven months later, I’ve lost 69 pounds and regained my energy and health.

Sharing my story and connecting with patients has always been central to my career, and I’m grateful to do so every day at Options. Working with this incredible team, I’ve gained valuable knowledge in weight loss, health, and wellness. I’m thankful to Options for the opportunity to pursue my passion for helping others achieve their weight loss and health goals.

– Jennifer Richter APRN, AGPCNP-BC

J Ellis weight loss before and after

Jill’s Journey to Shed 40 lbs.

Marketing Manager at Options Medical Weight Loss

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Even in childhood, I battled with being overweight, and growing up in the 80s meant I had little understanding of healthy eating habits. Despite trying various diets like Weight Watchers, Keto, and Low Fat, and even completing three half marathons, shedding pounds seemed impossible.

Joining Options was a game-changer for me. It provided the accountability and education I needed to truly grasp what healthy eating entails. Now, I no longer obsess over food all day long. I wake up early each morning for workouts or peaceful walks, feeling energized and consistent. Protein is my go-to, and sugary cravings are a thing of the past (though I still indulge occasionally!).

My sleep has improved drastically, and so has my self-confidence. I’m rediscovering clothes from my closet that haven’t seen the light of day in over a decade, and I feel fantastic. While I’ve lost 40 pounds already, I know there’s more progress to be made. With the support of the Health Coaches at Options, I’m confident I can reach my goals. As I approach 50 in a few years, I’m excited for what the future holds.

– Jill Ellis

Megan weight loss before and after

Megan’s Journey to Successfully Lose 52 lbs.

Medical Provider Assistant at Options Medical Weight Loss

Battling with my weight has been a lifelong journey. You never truly understand how being overweight hinders your daily life until someone tells you that you are over the weight capacity to get on a roller coaster with your children or until you are completely embarrassed when the flight attendant announces that you need a seatbelt extender on the plane. Options literally changed my life. I will forever be grateful I had the opportunity to work for a company that gave me the tools and support I needed to become the person I am today, both physically and mentally. I am a literal walking testimony, and I am so thankful I now have the opportunity to be able to change my patients’ lives. I am the best version of myself I have ever been, and I owe it to both Options and myself.

– Megan Leon

Monica weight loss before and after

Monica’s Weight-Loss Journey to Lose 58 lbs.

Associate Clinic Manager at Options Medical Weight Loss

My weight loss journey began before coming to Options. Options’ programs and support have allowed me to lose additional weight and maintain a total of 58 lbs down, and I’ve reduced my body fat percentage by 14%. I have always fluctuated with my weight but have NEVER been as healthy as I am now. Options has taught me the tools I need to continue a happy and healthy life. I only wish I found Options sooner. Now, I am dedicated to helping others who were once in the same situation as me. Options has changed my life and so many lives. I am blessed to be a part of such a great organization and will continue to change lives!

– Monica Galik

Tara weight loss before and after

Tara’s Weight Loss Journey to Lose 67 lbs.

Medical Provider at Options Medical Weight Loss

Looking at my before and after pictures, I can honestly say that coming to Options was the best thing that could have happened to me!

Coming to Options has been life-changing for me! I began as a patient at Options Westlake in December 2022. At the time, I was dealing with the aftermath of a difficult divorce, having recently moved my kids and myself across the country. Stress overwhelmed me, and I lost touch with the activities I loved, like running and cycling. Despite my efforts, I couldn’t shake off the weight I was gaining.

One day, I decided to search for weight loss programs online. Options stood out to me, offering hope for a healthier future. Meeting with Sean for my initial consultation reassured me that I was in good hands. Though there was a waiting period to see the NP, Jami, she went out of her way to see me immediately.

In a short month, I saw how much this company changed my life and I knew that I wanted to be apart of doing the exact same thing for others! Now, 15 months later, I’m down 67 pounds and have completely changed my life. I’ve rediscovered my passion for running and cycling, even joining a local Masters Swim team—a dream I’ve had since college. Options has given me a new lease on life, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story and relate to our patients on their own journeys to wellness.

– Tara Hudak, ARNP-C

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