
Julie’s Story

I just started coming, you know, once a week, every week following a plan pretty close to how it was laid out. You know, nobody is perfect. Just watching the weight fall off week after week it was really easy to stick with it. Even after I hit my goal weight like I continue to see her [my counsler] every two to four weeks just to kind of make sure that I’m still on track. Which is something that Options does that, I think, not a lot of other places do. Other places just drop you off at the end and pretend like that’s the end when it’s never the end.

Options obviously helped me lose a lot of weight, but it also showed me how I can still eat the things that I want to eat and not be hungry. That I can have a relationship with food that’s healthy, and that I can keep this weight off. That this is a sustainable way for me.

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