Family Fitness

Family Fitness

We have already discussed the troubling times of the current pandemic and how we have to keep fitness at a distance. Although the way we workout may have changed, it’s important to still stay active and healthy. That's why family fitness is an influential part of your...

Chicago, IL Talks Bloating

Chicago, IL Talks Bloating

Do you ever feel like you can’t zip up your pants after eating? Or that your stomach is filled with air and you’re bulging out of your clothes? Or even heard the term, “food baby?” Well, we’ve all been there. Those feelings are all because of stomach bloating. What is...

Stretching – It’s Important!

Stretching – It’s Important!

When you think of stretching, the first thing that comes to mind is loosening up your muscles before a workout. Maybe, you even think of it as just yoga. Believe it or not, stretching is an important factor in weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Stretching is a form...

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