Helpful Tips to Stick to a Diet – Dublin OH

Helpful Tips to Stick to a Diet – Dublin OH

Many trendy workouts circling on social media will tell you that you can keep eating what you want and lose weight. This simply isn’t true and can be damaging to your mental and emotional well-being as you try and progress on your weight loss journey. Instead,...

Reasons Why People Choose to Lose Weight

Reasons Why People Choose to Lose Weight

Many people have different reasons why they want to lose weight. It could be to have more confidence or to have a healthier lifestyle, everyone differs. However, most people are self-conscious about how they look and are afraid to take the steps to lose weight. But,...

Why Do People Choose to Lose Weight?

Why Do People Choose to Lose Weight?

I think it’s safe to say everyone struggles with body image and weight loss and weight gain. Living in America, there is a stigma about being overweight and obese. Most people are self-conscious about how they look and are afraid to take the steps to lose weight....

Selecting a Weight Loss Program

Selecting a Weight Loss Program

Overweight individuals who successfully lose weight and keep it off can reduce the risk of heart disease. Some people prefer to lose weight on their own, while others seek the support and guidance of a structured weight loss program. However, there are some crucial...

How to Choose a Weight Loss Program

How to Choose a Weight Loss Program

Weight loss and choosing a weight loss program is not an easy or simple task and unless you have the knowledge to understand what to do. Too often individuals attempt to lose weight incorrectly and get stuck in a cycle of drastically losing weight, only to gain it all...

Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myths

Weight loss and the science behind it are constantly changing and shifting as more research is conducted. Unfortunately, this means we cannot always know what is fact and fiction. With the steady rise of trendy diets and “hacks” on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok,...

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